Course Listings
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400 Level
CS 401 Computer Architecture
CS 404 Autonomous Mobile Robots
CS 406 Basic Linux System Administration
CS 407 Advanced Linux/UNIX Programming
CS 408 Applied Cryptography
CS 409 Ethical Hacking
CS 410 Computer Security
CS 412 Programming Distributed Applications
CS 413 Digital Forensics
CS 415 Network Forensics
CS 416 Compiler Construction
CS 420 Distributed Systems
CS 425 Principles of Virtualization and Cloud Computing
CS 430 Database Systems
CS 431 Cyber-Physical Systems
CS 434 Learning from Data
CS 435 Software Engineering
CS 436 Artificial Intelligence I
CS 437 Machine Learning and Soft Computing
CS 438 Bioinformatics Algorithms
CS 440 Computer Networks
CS 441 Mobile and Wireless Computing
CS 447 Introduction to Graph Theory
CS 449 Introduction to Combinatorics
CS 451 Theory of Computing
CS 455 Advanced Algorithm Design and Analysis
CS 471 Optimization Techniques
CS 472 Linear Programming
CS 475 Numerical Analysis
CS 480 Computational Statistics II
CS 484 User Interface Design and Development
CS 485 Computer Graphics
CS 487 Software Aspects of Game Development
CS 491 Special Topics
CS 492 Special Problems
CS 493 Seminar
500-600 Level
CS 501 Advanced Computer Architecture
CS 503 Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems
CS 510 Wireless and Network Security
CS 511 Formal Specification of Programming Languages
CS 512 Declarative Programming
CS 514 Advanced Operating Systems
CS 515 Computational Blockchain
CS 516 Advanced Compilers
CS 520 Advanced Topics in Parallel & Distributed Computing
CS 525 Security Issues in Cloud Computing
CS 530 Advanced Data Base Systems
CS 531 Security in Cyber-Physical Systems
CS 532 Topics in Information Systems
CS 533 Data Mining and Big Data Analysis
CS 534 Big Data Management and Analytics
CS 535 Advanced Machine Learning
CS 536 Artificial Intelligence II
CS 537 Advanced Topics in Expert Systems
CS 538 Game Theory in Networks
CS 539 Agents and Multiagent Systems
CS 540 Advanced Computer Networks
CS 553 Formal Languages and Automata
CS 555 Computability and Complexity
CS 572 Advanced Topics in Numerical Analysis
CS 585 Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics
CS 586 Pattern Recognition and Image Processing
CS 590 Readings
CS 591 Special Topics
CS 593 Seminar
CS 598 Graduate Project
CS 599 Thesis
CS 600 Doctoral Dissertation
Program educational objectives and student outcomes are defined here.