Getting involved is rather simple if there is a recycling program in your area, simply collect recyclable materials and place them in your bin provided by your community recycling service, failing this you can always drop them off at a local plant if one is available. However we at the National Group for Recycled Products urge you to take the initiative to set up a program should one not already be in place. For instructions on this process, click here.
Okay, so you've made the decision to recycle. But there's one problem, you don't't know what you can recycle!
For a complete list, click here.
There are however a few things you generally should not recycle, including shredded and brightly colored paper, Juice Boxes, milk cartons, paper coffee cups, pizza boxes and soiled paper products, Plastic bags (unless specifically noted), The wrong kinds of plastic (contact your local program or plant), bottle caps, and broken glass.
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