CS Day 2011 Web Competition Rules
Natural disasters cannot be prevented, but the devastation may be minimized if adequate preparation is made by individuals, societies, and governments at all levels. Confronting what has been happening in Japan, assume your team is inspired to develop an educational website that is going to be hosted by a non-profit organization to help our citizens, communities, and country to be best prepared for natural disasters.
In order to give you some quick ideas, we provide the following hints but you are not limited to these points. This Webster is supposed to be comprehensive and should cover several types of severe disasters, such as: earthquakes, severe storms (like the one happened in Southern Illinois on May 12, 2009), floods, etc. Your main page should address the purpose and theme of the Webster and serve as a portal (entry page) with well classified/organized links to pages that address more specific topics which may contain links to even more specific topics or external pages with authorities. With each type of disaster, you may need to first give a basic description of how it is formed and the damage/consequences it may cause. Next, you may address how to be prepared from the perspective of individuals, communities, organizations (including schools), and local/state/federal governments. Then, describe how to effectively recover after each disaster. Remember--the emphasis is on minimization of devastation. Also, notice that natural disasters often act as the triggering cause in a chain of other disasters (example: earthquake … tsunami … nuclear meltdown …).
- The techniques your team can use for this project are unlimited. You may use whatever skills that any of your team members possess. You must have:
- At least five pages, including the main page. You may include more pages based on your design needs.
- From each web page, the user should be able to go to any other web page by using one click of the mouse. There is no requirement for the contents of these pages other than what is needed to meet the project goals.
Additional Notes:
1. The techniques/skills/tools you can use for this competition are unlimited. Please feel free to use whatever is available within your team's knowledge and expertise.
2. Generally, web technologies can be classified as client-side technologies and server-side technologies (both sides including various languages and tools). Your team is expected to do the client-side development only, just assume the server site is already available. You can include images (graphics) on your web page. To do this, you can create any image by using any type of software.
3. You can include images (graphics) on your web page. To do this, you can create any image by using any type of software. You can even include downloaded images and materials into your Webster. But the key point is – you have to have everything seamlessly integrated into your Webster which should appear as a coherent whole.
3. You are required to upload your web pages at least three times during the competition; preferably at 11:00, 12:30, and 1:30. An assistant is available to help you upload the web pages developed by your team to our department web server when needed. We suggest you upload your web pages every hour. This is because the judging process is conducted in real time; i.e., when you are developing the Webster, the judges are evaluating your design.
Your design will be evaluated in real time, based on the following criteria:
- Organization
- Creativity
- Content
- User Friendliness (including convenient navigation among the topics and pages)
- Visual Design