Filed under: docs
Dec. 22, 2009 • 9:22 am
Project Design
This document represents the current state (v.1.0) of the design of the WebPM project.
Project Design PresentationFiled under: docs
Nov. 19, 2009 • 8:14 pm
Project Plan
Our project plan defines that work that will be done on the project and who will do it. It consits of a statement of work, a resource list, a risk plan, and roles and responsibilities of project team members.
Project Schedule (Gantt Chart)Project Plan Presentation
Filed under: docs
Nov. 4, 2009 • 10:30 pm
Vision and Scope Document
This document contains a summary of the problem that the WebPM software aims to solve. It describes what we expect to accomplish, and what the purpose of our project is.
Filed under: docs